How to quickly get rid of worms in the body

herbs for worm treatment

Life is such that anything can happen. And everyone can hear from a doctor: "You found worms. "We agree, rather unpleasant words. The first thought in my head is how to get rid of worms fast?

Not only because the mere awareness that certain worms live in your body is disgusting. These "animals" really hurt. They can live not only in the intestines, but also in the lungs, liver, muscles, skin. During life, they release toxins, reduce immunity and cause a bunch of unpleasant symptoms.

The fastest medical methods

Thanks to the market economy and competition, today there is a fairly large selection of drugs that allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of worms. The duration of their use varies from one dose to a two-week treatment.

Warning!Medicines should be taken only if the diagnosis is confirmed by a specialist!

With different types of worms, the effectiveness of anthelmintic drugs is different. Therefore, before starting treatment, a person should know exactly which "beast" he decided to get rid of.

With nematodes (these are pinworms, roundworms, hookworms, capillaries), the following drugs will help to quickly get rid of worms:

  1. Based on levamisole.
  2. Based on mebendazole.
  3. With the active substance Albendazole.

Important!Some drugs cannot be combined with each other!

Anthelmintic drugs should be taken under the supervision of a physician; a biochemical blood test is necessary before and during treatment. The dosages of all anthelmintic drugs are selected by the doctor individually: many factors are taken into account. Starting with age and weight, ending with comorbidities and medications taken.

If necessary, the doctor can combine antiparasitic agents or prescribe additional antihistamines, immunomodulators. After deworming, in some cases, enterosorbents, vitamins and bacterial preparations are used. Follow all the doctor's recommendations, and you can quickly get rid of worms.

The fastest folk methods for removing worms

Before the advent of modern pharmaceuticals and the chemical industry, our ancestors were successfully cured of "worm disease". Mother nature helped them in this.

worm extractors

Many recipes have survived to this day. Some of them help to quickly remove worms from the human body. Unlike chemicals, herbal remedies have an additional positive effect on the body:

  • Saturate with useful vitamins, phytoncides, acids and microelements.
  • Gently simulate immunity
  • Clean the intestines
  • Selectively kills pathogenic microflora.

Garlic has a broad spectrum of action against worms. This does not cause their death, but creates unbearable conditions for their life. So they self-destruct quickly.

  1. In the morning, eat 10 cloves of garlic with boiled milk. After 2 hours, take a laxative.
  2. Boil a medium-sized head of garlic in a glass of water for 10 minutes over low heat, "disassembled" into cloves and peeled. Grind 1 tbsp. dry absinthe, pour 300 ml. water, boil 2 minutes. Cool the two broths, filter, mix. Insist in a closed jar for about an hour. After stool, make an enema from the decoction.

Recipes for quickly eliminating worms from other plants:

  • Pass the pomegranate peel through a meat grinder, pour 150 ml. water (0. 75 cup), boil. Drink a warm decoction for an hour and a half. It paralyzes helminths. After 3-4 hours laxative.
pomegranate peels for worms
  1. Take chopped unripe walnuts - 4 tbsp. I. ; salted boiling water - 1 cup; insist half an hour, strain. Drink a day while taking a laxative. This remedy is contraindicated for children.
  2. Crush dry wormwood inflorescences, mix with honey or sugar. Eat 5 gr. 2 hours before meals, three times a day. Consume two days. At the end of the second laxative day.

Important!Please consult your doctor!

What is worth remembering?

Great wisdom in the words of Paracelsus: "everything is poison, and nothing is without poison, a single dose makes the poison invisible". Self-medication can be dangerous. Now you know how to get rid of worms fast. But in order to quickly and permanently, the possibility of reinfection must be excluded. Sometimes it is advisable to repeat the treatment after 1-2 weeks. This is done in order to get rid of worms that remained after the first course in the form of eggs or larvae.

Also, in order to avoid reinfestation, certain precautions must be observed: do not eat raw and half-cooked fish and meat (heat treatment for at least 20 minutes), wash and rinse green vegetables, fruits andvegetables in boiling water. Drink clean water, do not swim in ponds with stagnant and dirty water.

Equally important is the proper disposal of waste from cesspools and toilets, their regular disinfection. Respect and development in children (and sometimes in some adults) of hygiene rules. Cleanliness in the house and clean animals.

In general, the WHO gives such recommendations on prevention: if you live in a disadvantaged area where the risk of invasion is high, you should organize preventive deworming courses. Well, if you are lucky with living conditions, then only after treatment.

Slipped - fell, woke up - plaster

Some people are afraid to take pills because of the side effects, others do not believe in the effectiveness of traditional methods. Either way, the choice is always yours. And take responsibility for your own health. Getting rid of worms fast is real. It just takes a smart approach. Health to you!