Means for cleaning the body from worms and parasites

Parasites infected, not all. Naturally, that among the inhabitants of the countries of the third world helena any other island population of parasitosis suffer from literally every first, but the higher the person's level of care and hygiene, the less likely it is that he is sick.

parasites in the body

Where are the parasites in the body

They are in huge quantities occur in the environment. Only we don't see it, because their eggs (if it's multi-cellular in your body) typically have a small or microscopic dimensions. And about the parasites-micro-organisms and can not speak. For example, the parasitic fungus Candida is widely represented in soils, natural waters, on the surface of fruits, vegetables, objects, and so on.

In general, it is not to wash the person's hands, ate half-baked Patty, patted the dog – and got them not only fun, but also an unexpected "friend", which will continue to eat and live on his account, and will also be his walk to the source of infection for healthy people.

An unpleasant prospect, no? And again, we come to the necessity of cleaning. At home you can practice cleansing your body of the tar, a variety of teas, other herbal remedies.

Symptoms manifestations of worms

It should be noted that most of the signs of helminthiasis similar with symptoms of other diseases. Therefore, it is installed specialist the conclusion is often misleading.

A parasitic worm has the ability to actively move in the human body.

The most common symptoms of the presence of parasites in the body:

  1. headaches on a regular basis;
  2. causeless it;
  3. constipation helena diarrhea;
  4. vomiting helena nausea;
  5. pain in the abdominal area;
  6. decreased appetite, due to which is loss of body weight;
  7. dizziness helena unconscious state;
  8. nervous system disorders, sleep disorders.

A qualified doctor to prescribe all the necessary research, to build a rational therapy with regard to the individual characteristics of the patient. Relying on the results of the research, and also with regard to the degree of development of de-worming in the body, the weight, the age and condition of the immune system, a specialist prescribe the most appropriate drug for that your body of parasites.

parasites in the body, the treatment

Methods of removing worming

Before looking for a remedy the removal of the de-worming of your body, it is necessary to take into account several important aspects. The drug funds, the effect of which is aimed at fighting with the worms, most are toxic. Such a drug can cause a food intolerance of some substances, cause allergic reactions, have a number of contraindications.

Folk remedies have long defined the most safe, however, you must remember that their action is aimed at the destruction of harmful worms in the body, which uncle is a harmless exercise.

For each type of parasitic worms, there are an individual mode of excretion, to the extinction of one sufficient a single ingestion of a particular drug, others require a comprehensive and long-term treatment. It depends on the life cycle of a harmful micro-organism.

Cleansing the body from parasites in the home

If sometimes one small splinter brings a lot of discomfort and the person makes every effort to pull her out, the more they will try to get rid of parasites. But it is necessary to note, what is the treatment of worm infestations, and when it is possible to connect domestic ways.

Folk remedies should be used only on doctor's advice, in the initial stages of the disease, and in the light of his flow.Improper use of home and folk remedies, may increase intoxication helena lead to complications. Folk recipes cleansing your body in humans from parasites:

  • tincture of onion. Onions finely chop. Fill them to half capacity in which you will cook. It is better to take a bottle of helena a glass of 0,5 l. In a container with the onion pour the vodka up to the top, leave for 10 days at room temperature. Tincture be exempt from the onion. Take 1-2 tablespoons before meals twice a day;
  • a decoction of onions. In this case, the onion also finely chop. Pour boiling water, leave overnight, then drain. Taking a decoction of 100 ml 2 times 3-4 days;
  • tincture of garlic with horseradish. Grind 25 grams of garlic and horseradish, mix it and pour vodka 0,5 l. Let it brew for 10 days. Regularly tincture is need to shake. Take 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day 1 tablespoon;
  • an enema from a decoction of garlic. Two cloves of garlic crushed and put in enamel dishes. Add 2 tablespoons of tansy, pour it all 0.5 liters of milk, boil for 10 minutes. Then the broth is cooled, skip through the gauze. For one enema, take 2 cups of boiled fluid. It is recommended to repeat the procedure a week;
  • A decoction of herbs. In a mixture in equal parts of chamomile, wormwood maritime, wormwood, tansy. Take 1 tablespoon of this mixture, and boil 200 ml of boiling water, insist and filter it. Take 200 ml of 2 times within 3 days;
  • body cleansing mineral water: this exhaustive recipe a few decades ago was true, not only in national but also in official medicine. Using mineral water, rigid diet and sometimes laxatives to "go" tapeworm. The method was essentially the most effective, but complicated because patients almost do not use food for more than 2 weeks;
  • tar – a good remedy for external parasites: lice, scabies mites. This will confirm any doctor. Some unofficial sources are complementary, that can be diluted with water and taken orally for expulsion of worms from the intestines. The source is not traditsionnoi medicine claim that it's perfectly safe – take birch tar: the cleansing of the organism takes place in a few days, but the tool still and shows and other effects, including cancer. However, it is worth noting that the official medicine doesn't approve of his income in. In addition, several years ago, it was found that long-term treatment with tar is not the healing of tumors, and on the contrary, accelerates the number of cases of cancer of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • the seeds of cloves . Thanks burning properties clove is able to increase the immunity and remove parasites. And burning from this drug quickly passes:1. day – take 1/5 h. spoon 3 times daily before meals; 2. day – after 1/4 h. spoons 3 times a day before meals; With 3-th 10-th day – on the 1/3 h. spoons 3 times a day before meals; after 10-th day – 1 teaspoon of 1 times a week;

There are a number of herbs that have crippling effects on deworming and have a laxative effect. It is widely used in the practice of cleaning. For example, it is wormwood, pumpkin seeds, st. john's wort, buckthorn, clove, green fruits of the walnut, black walnut and so on. Of them, independently helena by mixing in different proportions, preparing tea for the cleansing of your body, which are in the course within one month.

Cleaning the organism from parasites prescription drugs Genghis khan

This method is called by the name of the famous mongol conqueror, because he first used garlic to maintain the health of their soldiers during the longer hikes. This cleaning is based on the consumption before bedtime finely minced garlic, which should be swallowed without chewing. The procedure is carried out in two ways.

parasites in the body of the folk methods

In the first case, over 2 hours after dinner, you need to eat 2 station al, sauerkraut, salted cucumbers helena apple, and then a cup of garlic, washed down with his brine, any veggies helena apple juice. Diet the following day should consist only of sauerkraut, pickles and brine. In the second half of the day it is necessary to give an enema of 2 liters of tincture of pharmacy chamomile with the addition of 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and sea salt.

The second, more gentle variant of counts on the month. During this period, every night we should eat as well, as in the previous case, but the amount of garlic reduces the on 1 head, starting with the smallest and gradually increases its size.

For restoring the microflora after the end of cleaning is recommended to enter in the menu dairy products with bifidobacteria helena to drink away a course of prebiotics. Contraindicated is cleansing in diseases of the stomach helena the pancreas.

Cleansing the body from parasites in the household according to the method of Hrabovský

Antiparasitic cleaning after Hrabovský, takes place in the background to cleanse the colon – every day in the morning (between 5-7 hours) and evening (18-19 hours) must put an enema. For it will need 2 liters of spring, silicon helena normal boiled water at room temperature with the addition of 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar helena any kind of fresh juice of sour berries and fruits.

The first stage of cleaning your body: it takes 3 days. Is carried out according to the following schedule: before the Breakfast buffet and the dinner drunk, 0.5 cups of wormwood tincture (1 station l. herb per 200 g of boiling water) – it is very important to increase the dose, because wormwood has an exciting and hallucinogenic properties; every morning before sweeping the enema into the rectum is introduced the infusion of garlic, cooked with a pm (1 - 2 crushed cloves filled with 1 cup of boiling water, filtered just before use).

The second degree of cleaning of your body: it takes 7 days. In this period, it is necessary to eat every morning before breakfast, after 300 g of peeled pumpkin seeds. Clean it is necessary independently, the preservation of the green shell.

The seeds need to carefully think through and washed down with 0,5 cups of herbal infusion. For the preparation of drinks with the pm you need to take 1 hr. l. the flowers of chamomile and tansy, the bark of oak and buckthorn, pour the mixture in a thermos 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave until morning. 2 hours after the ingestion of seeds it is necessary to take a laxative preparation were added to 100 g water, 30 g of English salt. Still over 1 hour – to give alms to the enema.

The third degree of cleaning of your body: it takes 2 days. This is the final stage, during which the output of parasites from the liver and gallbladder. For this is used a mixture of lemon juice and oil olive, which should take 2 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach.After the completion of all stages of a course of deworming must be repeated after 2.5–3 weeks.

But the third line I should start right after the other (without interruption). If necessary, it is possible to perform 3-4 of the course in a row, and then preventively to maintain cleanliness in the body, daily use of fasting tincture of antiparasitic herbs.

Appropriate regular cleaning the body from parasites folk remedies on the Hrabovský, provides effective relief not only from the "uninvited guests", but also from many health problems. The positive results of each of their above mentioned methods confirmed by the testimonials of those who have passed such cleaning.

Herbs against parasites in the human body

In the system of treatment against parasites a major role yet it is the law of the occupy wormwood, tansy and yarrow. Wormwood – an indispensable tool in the fight with the worms. It even has its story, just like in ancient times this plant to cure many diseases, among which, how to get rid of the parasites was the main.

This herb is quite bitter and is poisonous, so, to her taste, first you have to get used to, and then go directly to the healing. Receive both powder wormwood inside, so use a stopwatch for the preparation of a decoction of for enema.

Powder wormwood are beginning to receive small doses. Already from the fifth day you can chew three times a day before meals and the fourth time – at night. So continue 2 weeks, gradually bringing the dose to 1/3 hr. l. If necessary, the treatment may continue for up to a month.

In a similar manner be adopted tansy and yarrow. You can consume them even in larger doses, than wormwood. Herbs from worms and parasites in the application necessarily need to be combined with an enema, as dying, pest poison the body of toxins, which need to be out of there flush. Very strong is an enema of the same wormwood. All of the above herbs have effect on the removal of parasites from your body, in medicine is so called – the herbs, the output of parasites.

In addition to helping in the fight with the parasites each of the above herbs separately, in folk medicine, there are many fees that are not inferior in their effectiveness. And the most famous among them – "the trinity": a single dose of cinquefoil goose – 1 g, daily – 3 g; wormwood – up to 300 mg per one scoop, daily, 1 g, not more; cloves – 0.5 g per intake, maximum 1.5 g daily.

parasites in the body prevention

Precautions and general recommendations

For a positive result in the fight with the parasites, you should stick to some simple rules. During treatment it is necessary to reconsider the diet.

Consumption of all alcoholic beverages at the time of therapy excluded, t. anthelmintic medicines and folk ways to bring additional burden on the liver, that is, overall, negatively reflected in his features. If an expert were assigned to the sorbents, it is necessary to withstand the two hours, the interval between their intake and anthelmintic remedies. Corrosion worming, practically immediately the health status of the patient significantly improved.

For addition, to eliminate the infection with worms helena manifestation of recurrence, it is necessary to observe simple rules:

  • adhere to their own hygiene;
  • clean up your own housing with the use of decontamination equipment;
  • produce processing pets against parasites;
  • eliminate contact with stray animals;
  • thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits;
  • use antibacterial means;
  • exclude swimming in unknown waters;
  • to expose meat and fish, intense heat processing.

The excretion of harmful worms from your body – the process is very challenging and requires time. Easier to announce the formation of deworming, than to their time. However, the treatment of conduct imperative to avoid the serious consequences and the development of complex diseases, which are parasitic worm is able to provoke.